Sometimes the financial institution changes their name, which requires the Deactivate and Reactivate process be followed to link your existing Quicken accounts to the new name at the bank. Reactivating an account is a simple process, but you may find you encounter one or more of the conditions below, depending on the reason for the original Deactivate and the new Reactivate. Choose LINK on the screen displayed after Quicken finds the available accounts at the financial institution for your login credentials, and carefully link to your existing Quicken account(s).Click the Settings gear in the lower right corner of the register view.Click the account name in the list displayed down the side of Quicken to open the register.To Reactivate Account(s) in Quicken for Mac Choose LINK on the screen displayed after Quicken finds the available accounts at the financial institution for your login credentials and carefully link to your existing Quicken account(s).Type in the financial institution name and walk through the wizard.Go to the Online Services tab and click the Set up Now button.Click the Edit button on the account you want to reactivate.To Reactivate Account(s) in Quicken for Windows Please note, these steps are meant to be followed after an account has been deactivated. You may find that you need to re-enable online services for an account that you have deactivated in Quicken.